Tag Archives: marriage proposal

James + Kit Yen Marriage Proposal

James and Kit Yen flew all the way from Selangor just to attend the Rainforest World Music Festival and also secretly planned a private proposal for Kit Yen. We were blessed to have such a beautiful weather on the first day of RWMF! And of course she said “Yes”! #marriageproposal#kuchingweddingphotographer#rainforestworldmusicfestival…

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Simon + Cassie Marriage Proposal

I know it’s probably kinda too late to post this but congratulations to Simon and Cassie on your successful surprise marriage proposal! Despite Simon preparing all of this perfectly, he was still pretty nervous. Nevertheless, his hengdais really helped a lot by being there and cheering him! Photographer / Chun ChowVideographer / Motion FoundryEvent Decor…

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Jabez + Almanda Marriage Proposal

Congratulations to Jabez and Almanda on your marriage proposal! Thank gosh everything went as planned (and didn’t rain). Almanda didn’t suspect anything from the beginning so it was fun watching them unravel the mysterious t-rex appearing out of nowhere 😂 Photographer / Chun Chow #cccphotography#marriageproposal#proposal#kuchingphotographer#kuchingweddingphotographer…

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Joshua + Amanda Marriage Proposal

It was a very private yet intimate moment just between Joshua and Amanda when she said “yes”. Even the beautiful weather was on their side. And heck, I got to pretend to be a tourist with my bulky gears without Amanda suspecting anything! Great planning and decor from Joshua’s brother, Benjamin too! Congratulations to the…

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Mannfred + Aunnee’s Marriage Proposal

  And she said “Yes”! All the secret plannings had been successful with the genuine help of Mannfred and Aunnee’s friends in making the proposal an event that will definitely be worth remembering by the couple. Congratulations to Mannfred and Aunnee! Lead Photographer: Chun Chow | Co Photographer: Jackson | Event Deco: Weddwood Design |…

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